Call Leiria Crescimento

What is Call Leiria Crescimento?

  • Call Leiria Crescimento aims to invest in innovative projects with a high potential for growth and enhancement, preferably in strategic areas and sectors for the geographical region that is part of the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Leiria (CIMRL), embodied by companies based in that territory or wishing to establish themselves there, with a significant presence and operations;
  • Stages: seed, startup, later stage venture – series A, B and C;
  • Tickets between 250.000€ and 1.5M€;
  • Applications until August 4. 


Portugal Ventures, in partnership with the Intermunicipal Community of the Region of Leiria, the Business Association of the Region of Leiria / Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nerlei CCI), Startup Leiria, the Polytechnic of Leiria and private investors, aims to promote access to venture capital funding for innovative companies and projects, geared towards exports and/or reducing external dependence, progression in value chains and increasing production, the green transition and digital transformation, with a focus on:

  • Projects to create start-up companies (qualified and creative entrepreneurship).
  • Growth, expansion and internationalization projects, as well as strengthening the business capacity of mature SMEs to develop new products and services.
  • To promote investment by mature companies in innovation and research projects, developing links and synergies between companies, R&D centres and higher education.


1. Stages: Companies in the seed, startup, later stage venture – series A, B and C;

2. Verticals: Digital, Industry, Health Tech and Tourism, focusing on companies operating in the following areas: Green economy and energy efficiency; ICT and Smart mobility; Life Sciences and Biotechnology; Other impact projects.

3. General project conditions:

– Innovative projects that are the result of the promoters’ original ideas;
– With a multidisciplinary team, led by a founder(s), to ensure management needs;
– Early-stage projects with product and market evidence (at least MVP);
– Projects with a clear strategy for protecting and enhancing intellectual property, if applicable;
– Significant growth potential in the global market;
– That present assumptions about their economic viability;
– Activities and sectors identified by DNSH (do no significant harm) principles are excluded.

4. General conditions for companies:

– Companies incorporated or to be incorporated, with headquarters and/or significant activity with a relevant economic impact on CIMRL that can be measured;
– Be an SME or Mid Cap;
– Companies must be incorporated as public limited companies. If the company is already incorporated and is not a public limited company, it must be transformed into a public limited company at the time of the investment;
– That aren’t considered “companies in difficulty” within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of June 16. Consolidation operations are included and restructuring operations are excluded;
– Comply with the legal conditions necessary to carry out their activity, namely that they are duly licensed for this purpose;
– That have organized accounts, a balanced economic and financial situation and are in good standing with the Tax Administration, Social Security and in terms of repayments, within the scope of financing by European Funds;
– Natural and legal persons must demonstrate compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions on money laundering and terrorist financing.
– Agree to sign the Final Beneficiary’s Declaration of Commitment


  • Applications must be submitted directly to the Portugal Ventures website;
  • The application form available on the Portugal Ventures website must be duly completed in English;
  • Application deadlines and relevant dates can be found on the Portugal Ventures website;
  • Any questions or requests for additional information should be sent by email to:;
  • The application form must be accompanied by all the documentation requested in the “Attachments” chapter of the form.

Selection criteria

The projects submitted will undergo an initial screening to assess their suitability and eligibility. The evaluation of each project will take into account the following criteria:

  1. Management Team > technical skills and team management capacity;
  2. Solution and Value Proposition > innovation type of the solution and how it will distinguish itself on the market;
  3. Competition >main competitors, current and potential;
  4. Competitive Advantages > competitive advantages and differentiation of the technology or product from those already on the market;
  5. Product Roadmap >project development plan, identifying the major milestones until the goals are achieved;
  6. Target Market > size of the current and potential market, characterization of the target market, and positioning of the company in the global value chain;
  7. Business Model > revenue model and sales strategy;
  8. Traction metrics and funding needs > indicators: users/customers/cost of acquisition, among others;
  9. Current and subsequent financing needs > quantification of current and subsequent financing needs and the form of financing, assessing in particular the feasibility of syndicating investments with other national and international venture capitalists;
  10. Exit strategy > potential to attract buyers interested in acquiring the company and/or licensing the technology;
  11. Risk Analysis > How the main risks are addressed in the project.

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  • Your personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.