S&DG – Storage and Distributed Generation

Big Idea

The increased participation of renewable energy sources in the energy matrix, implies the development of innovative energy storage solutions to guarantee the integration of these intermittent energy sources in the energy distribution systems, it is for this reason, that energy storage is the key to the energy transition. Based on this scenario, they are developing an innovative solution, which will make it possible to take advantage of the available infrastructure at more than 33,000 vehicular natural gas filling stations in 90 countries, to store surplus renewable energy production, and to generate of electricity in a decentralized manner.

Activity Highlights

  • Honorable mention at the Smart Contest Hiese-2018
  • Finalist of the Prio Jump Start -2018


Ricardo de Mello Awazu – CEO & Founder; António “Dourado” Ramos – Engeneering & Development; Carlos Coelho Teixeira – Electrotechnic Advisor Consulting.

Portugal Ventures’ Investment Manager

Pedro Grilo