
Digitization and Optimization of Operational Processes in Hospitals

Big Idea

Sparkyway, Lda was founded in June 2016 under an entrepreneur program with the purpose of a tourist activities platform development, with 2 part-time partners. The company was on standby mode until 2021, the year in which it is reborn with a new focus, result of the founder’s experience in the area of hospital software development for hospital management. In the same year, the Bensaude Group becomes a partner of the company with the objective of developing solutions to overcome the urgent need for the digitalization of health services. The entry into the share capital by the Bensaude Group had as its main objective the development of specific products in the Health area, with the Operating Room – Sparksys OR, being the first product to be developed. By the end of 2021, the company gathered a team of 4 people, essentially software engineers, all of them with experience in the hospital field, having culminated all development in the first installation of the product by the end of 2022, namely at Hospital Garcia da Horta (Almada).


Luis Ferreira – Manager; Miguel Ferreira – Manager & Backend Developer

Portugal Ventures’ Investment Manager

Pedro Grilo