What is Call Turismo +Crescimento
The Second Edition of the Call Tourism +Crescimento intends to invest in projects/companies that contribute to:
- Increase the competitiveness of the country’s tourist offer;
- Enhance the tourist experience in Portugal;
- Improve the efficiency of businesses in the sector.
Portugal Ventures aims to invest, between €150,000 up to 1.5 million euros.
Submissions are closed.
The following projects are eligible:
- capital injections into companies that promote the growth of tourism, through expansion and internationalisation projects or projects to improve competitiveness and which have already begun to produce/market their products/services;
- build up operations aimed at mitigating the atomization of the sector, be means of the merger and consolidation of companies, through intervention models that enable, from a venture capital perspective, the aggregation of back-office functions (finance, procurement, human resources management) and the creation of business synergies, albeit with degrees of relevant business autonomy.
Projects/Companies that are located in low-density regions, will be given priority.
Characteristics of the target projects/companies:
Incorporated companies or those to be incorporated, that meet the following criteria:
- Are located in Portugal (mainland and islands);
- Have a multidisciplinary team that ensures knowledge of the sector, and aligned vision of the business and the necessary skills for business development and company management;
- Contribute to the benefits associated with the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals (ESG – Environmental Sustainable Governance) by offering solutions that encourage:
- the dematerialisation of process and services (e.g. App key instead of a key card, glass cups, amenities dispenser instead of single-use bottles, etc.)
- the recycling, reuse and reduction of waste (recyclable and bio-waste)
- integration of clean energy (e.g. solar panels);
- improve energy efficiency (of equipment, processes and materials by reducing heat loss, efficient equipment, etc.)
- improve water efficiency (efficient flow reduction/management, harness water, circular or integrated water circuits, etc.)
- smart mobility (partnerships with local agents, offering eco-friendly equipment = soft mobility, etc.).
Incorporated companies must also:
- Are involved in the 360-degree Tourism Companies Programme promoted by Turismo de Portugal;
- Fulfil the legal requirements for carrying out the respective activity, namely are duly licensed for such purpose and are registered with the Portuguese National Tourism Registry.
- Keep accounts, have a balanced economic and financial situation and have no amounts outstanding to the Tax Authorities and Social Security.
Documents of Call Turismo +Crescimento:
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